Friday, July 21, 2006

Been a long while ya!?

Jess got a chance to go online again after bedrest and morning-sickness sessions of more than 2 months.
Now i guess i'm getting better, 4 mos pregnant, i can eat (almost) normally ~except for certain food i started to feel sick about ever since i had my morning sickness. Still, i'm not in my best 'shape', but i managed.

Early this week, me and hubby went to the doctor and we got to listen to our baby's heartbeat... It's so amazing, listening to it, knowing and realizing that there's a living-small human being inside me. Then the dr told us that next month he's going to perform 3D usg so we can see the baby's physical conditions and face... We're so excited!

We'll see then. Hope things are okay with us, i mean, me, baby and hubby.